Friday, November 16, 2012

Day Seven: Cancer

Day Seven           


A woman from my Bible study has been a silent witness to me from the moment I heard her story and met her. Although I am not certain of all the details, the abbreviated version is as follows.

Her young daughter has cancer. She has been in treatment for it. During this time, they have been in temporary housing awaiting a house, for months. Each time they have gone to look at the house they have been offered, someone is either moving in or snags it ahead of them. In addition, there have been national shortages on life saving drugs for children with cancer.

I am sure that there is so much more to her story but that alone is more than my mind can conceive. Every time I have seen her she has a smile on her face and is cordial. I have not ever heard her complain or say anything negative. This woman is my hero. On top of that, I went to a Vacation Bible School planning meeting for volunteers. I was astounded when this woman and her entire family came in and sat down to volunteer. Are you kidding me? Are they going for an award? Why are they doing all these things? How can they possibly be so happy throughout this horrible moment in their lives? It is Christ that is the only answer.

A peace that passes all understanding.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philipians 4:7

Thank you God for reminding me that my trials are small in comparison to You. Help me to keep my eyes on You and be thankful for the real blessings that surround me. Make me a beacon of hope for others.

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