Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Transition

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:6

Retirement, a quick and wonderful retirement! We had a plan. God had a different plan. This is not how things were supposed to work out. We were supposed to have one more move, buy a house there, get jobs in our chosen retirement area before my husband got out so that the transition would be minimal for everyone. Insead, we had to do an overseas move back to our home of choice, while searching for jobs and a place to rent until we found said jobs. Ugh. MESSY!

Trusting God is the only option here. We are not where we had planned to be at the end of my husband’s military career but we are where God has led us. He made the way for it to work out quickly and seamlessly. We listened and went in faith to the area that He has directed. We are acting on faith instead of our carefully mapped out plan. I’m sure we will look back and see His hand on everything but sometimes blind faith is not easy.

Faith. It can be tough, unless you know that the God you serve is greater than everything. Faith. It doesn’t require much just trusting a centuries old Creator of the Universe. That may sound like a lot to some but when you have read the Book and know how it all began and how it all ends … you realize that it really isn’t that much after all. So, we wait.