Sunday, October 21, 2012


Day One

Trust God

I woke up at 4AM this morning. I didn’t remember the phone ringing so I turned it over to see if I had missed a call. It was dead. Years ago when my husband was in Iraq this would have sent me into hysteria. This time, he was in Japan and the thought of a missed call made me wistful but not upset. I calmly took the forward off my phone and went downstairs to place the phone back on the hook. I noticed the charger was not on either so I plugged it back in and trusted that it would charge during the day. Going back to bed seemed like the only logical thing to do after a long week of volunteer work and two small children to care for during the day.

Back in bed, I lay there thinking about the day, hugging my 4 year old, now snuggled next to me in bed. I smiled and thought about my husband. I was about to dose off when the cell phone next to me rang. It was him! Our conversation was great, he sounded relaxed and genuinely cheerful. I was so relieved after the last few weeks of difficult times at work. The day seemed to be at least giving him a chance to breathe. I enjoyed sharing about the children and things going on here. I had missed that communication with him the last few weeks. We had been so focused on issues at work that we had spent almost every conversation talking about him. It was nice for us to both take a minute and step outside of the military and work and focus on our family and the joys that God had given us. At the end, I asked him if I had missed a call earlier, he said that he had not had a chance to call until just then. I smiled. The night before I had prayed that he wouldn’t call in the middle of the night because I was so exhausted and really needed rest, God had heard my prayer and still given me what I needed both in rest and in conversation. I felt a little guilty when I said that prayer but I knew I wouldn’t be much of a conversationalist without any rest either. God knew what I needed and he provided for both of us! I got rest and a happy husband. My husband had a refreshed wife, not to mention one that was already awake and praying for him.

After nearly 10 years of marriage, 2 children, 6 deployments and countless moves, I have found that especially in deployments, God knows our needs and he provides for them. It is often difficult to remember that in the midst of a difficulty but God always provides what we need. It isn’t always what we want or think we need but trusting God is the best plan for a happy marriage, easier deployment and fulfilled life.

Trust God with all your heart. Lean not on your own ways. He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5

Thank you God for knowing my needs before I do. Thank you for providing for my families’ and my every need. Help me to look for You and to You in every situation. Thank you for waking me up this morning. It is another beautiful day.

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