Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day Three: Standing in the Gap

Day Three

Standing in the Gap

This is our sixth deployment together. We have been just friends, dating, engaged, married without children, pregnant and now we have 2 small children during deployments. Each deployment seems to highlight one of the major stages in our life together. Each time I have learned ways to cope with various aspects of the deployment. This time I am learning about how to help small children through the deployment.

It is difficult to watch my almost 2 and 4 year old go through this. Daddy has been away for many training exercises before but never for more than an 8 week period. We have the daddy doll, the Skype accounts and open conversations about Daddy. We take “Daddy” (the doll) to school, to the store in a seat with his seat belt on, to the beach, etc. It is a good way for the children to feel somewhat in control of the situation.

The other day one of the most difficult tasks that I have done has been to “be Daddy” for our 4 year old daughter. We were at the park, on the swings. She looked up at me and said, “Momma, can we pretend like you are Daddy for a little while?” My first response was to be hurt that she didn’t want ME there. But then I understood and said, “Sure, I’ll be Daddy for you.” I called her “Princess” like he does and tried to push the swing like him. When we left the park, I thought it would end but she wanted to keep up the game. “Can we go to McDonald’s Daddy?” My husband is a sucker for our little girl and usually caters to her if it isn’t anything too crazy. “Sure Pumpkin.” I said in my best Daddy voice. We drove through and I was just about to give her some milk when she said, “Can I get my toy, Daddy?” I told her no, she had to wait until after her meal. She said, “Um, you aren’t Momma right now. Daddy always gives me my toy first.” I smiled, gave her the toy and laughed a little to myself. The game continued on into the evening. That night Audrey looked up and said, “Thanks Momma. I just needed Daddy for a little while today but I love you just as much.” I gave her a big squeeze and was glad that I could fulfill that need for both her and my husband.

Sometimes deployments aren’t about us. Sometimes giving of ourselves is the best medicine for our heart sick ache. I’m so glad I listened to her need and was able to stand in that gap she had. I was blessed to be able to be the one that got to fulfill her need.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galations 6:2

Thank you God for opening my eyes to pain of someone else. Thank you for using me to meet their need. Thank you for the blessing to my own soul that was filled in that. 

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